Orin gives Livina a look, icy cold at first, but then giving way to something more akin to ... pity ?

"... you assume too much. Again. I have no intention to leave master Vel behind without having made a reasonable attempt at rescuing him."

Orin keeps pulling at the canvas. It is quite hard since 5 (well, 4 1/2 really) corpses do weight a lot and he isn't very strong.

As he pulls, he seems to be mulling over something. One can see his face work, jaw clenching and unclenching from time to time.

Suddenly he lets go of the canvas, straightens up and declares:
"You know what ? The dead can wait. I am going to search for Rego Vel now. Those who are with me, follow me."

And he proudly (albeit slightly stiffly) marches on towards the stairs, his staff held in front of him.
