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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Eighth_Seraph's Avatar

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    Water Tribe, South Pole

    Default Re: [Avatar d20 Project] Bending System and Bending Classes - Thread II

    Hrm. I have to disagree with you there, PK. Aang and Toph definitely used Catapult in a communal bending effort in Lake Loagai against the Dai Li hanging from the canon wall. If you had asked me what seeds could be done communally, I would not have thought of putting Catapult into the list in a thousand years.

    I think the best method was already mentioned, though I can't seem to find where. Communal bending could add a set amount to a bending check for everyone that can make the Base DC of the form and knows the necessary seeds. This will ensure that most instances of communal bending will be low-DC forms done by low-level mooks.

    In order to make that work, there would need to be a primary bender (whoever has the highest modifier) and each contributor would add modifiers to the primary bender's Bending check by a set amount. If it can scale, so much the better. A DC10 check could add a +1 to the primary bending check, DC 20 +2, DC25 +3; continuing in increments of 5. Communal bending would be either a readied action OR everyone taking their turns at the same time.

    Using the builds from the Iconic Characters thread, we'll make a water wave. Katara has a +34 to Waterbending and Aang has a +24 (let's just arbitrarily take these as correct for the example's sake, 'kay?)

    Katara and Aang are practicing near the ocean when a Fire Nation Naval Forces ship comes into view. Katara tells Aang to get ready to make a Waveto push it back into some stink 'n' sink mines that Sokka had placed earlier. Aang prepares an action, and Katara takes 10 on her Waterbending check to try and make a Colossal-sized Wave (base DC 15, total DC 45) and easily makes the base DC with a check of 44, but cannot make the full DC alone. Aang also takes 10, getting a check of 34 (fulfilling the base DC), which adds a +4 to the communal check, which is now 48; enough to make a Colossal-sized wave with an effective Strength score of 24 Katara's Wisdom +2) and a total modifier of +23 with Colossal size.

    The Fire Nation ships is hit viciously and is pushed back several yards and hits seven or so mines throughout its hull and the crew faints from the smell, so the ship sinks with nobody to man it.

    How does that sound? Should there be a clause for level-dependent effects? In the example, this would mean the Wave's range.
    Last edited by Eighth_Seraph; 2008-01-21 at 11:36 AM.
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