I'm glad everyone likes my take on cooperative bending. Shall I add it to the official write-up?

I'm not opposed to a uniform "seeds known" progression. Again, is there substantial opposition to this change, or should I add it to the official write-up?

In terms of revising and improving seeds, I have a few comments:
  • I'm not at all opposed to going back and looking at the seeds in detail. I want this setting to be as balanced and complete as possible, and these seem like pretty glaring errors.
  • I'm still not totally pleased with the ranged form of Ice Shards. What if we changed it to the following:

    Ranged: By freezing water into a number of small, smooth, thin shards, a waterbender can strike at long range. This seed deals 1d6 damage to all creatures in a line (distance equal to the Waterbender's bending range). Half of this damage is piercing and half is cold. Creatures within the area of this effect can make a Reflex save for half damage. Increasing the damage dealt by this seed adds +4 to the Waterbending DC for each additional +1d6, to a maximum of 1d6/level.
  • In regards to the Tentacle seed, what if we simply bumped the base DC's up by 5 and made each additional tentacle require a +10 increase in the base DC? This would allow 1 tentacle at 1st level (DC 15) by taking 10, and an extra tentacle by taking 10 at 5th, 9th, 14th, and 18th levels. Seems more reasonable, eh?
  • I also support limiting overbending, as proposed by Eighth_Seraph. Any objections?
  • I'm starting to think another round of playtesting is in order. I have some ideas about how to go about it. What says the playground?

How to deal with the lack of water as a balancing factor is tricky. It seems that it's a drawback that's entirely dependent upon the DM, even though carrying waterskins, conserving water, and various proposed (but never really agreed-upon) feats can mitigate this drawback. I'm reluctant to include this as a major balancing consideration, simply because of how circumstantial is can be. I am, however, open to debate.

Finally, what do people think about my re-write of Water Spout (called Rise with the Tides above)?
