I'm a near-total n00b when it comes to this whole 'optimization' stuff. I guess my main problem is that I decided to focus on archery, when in D&D ranged combat is... decidedly not optimal. Really, archery should be a lot more effective than it is, but I'm afraid this could turn into a rant at the drop of a hat, so I'm going to fight the urge to say anything more about that.

Anyway, I'm a rogue 3/scout 3 at the moment. Sure, I've got the skillmonkey role down pat, but it would be rather nice not to be essentially worthless when combat starts. Sneak attack is still such a situational ability it comes into play with disappointingly low frequency. Skirmish I've been a lot more pleased with, but it's limiting me to one attack per round. Dervish won't work because of my feat choices so far. My DM has suggested multiple times that I should multiclass into a Tome of Battle class, but looking through the maneuver lists it seems like I'd have a lot of wasted slots, since it's a very melee focused book. Sure, there's stuff in there that would help, but there's a lot of other stuff that wouldn't. Also, skillmonkey's really all I've got that no one else has, and if I start multiclassing into martial classes I risk losing that. The Complete Champion stuff sounds like a possible fix, but I've already sunk a lot of cash into books recently, and I don't really feel like buying another one.

That being said, I think I found a somewhat workable solution last night. I'll still be nigh worthless against stuff that's immune to precision damage, but by taking the Swift Ambusher and Improved Skirmish feats from Complete Scoundrel I can give myself a +4d6 +4 AC skirmish by ECL 7. I will, of course, still be playing second fiddle to the cleric, druid, and wizard (yep, we've got one of each), but maybe, just maybe I can do more damage than the fighter and/or paladin every now and then. When we aren't fighting undead. Or constructs. Or oozes. Or... well, you get the picture. *sigh*

The one thing that keeps me sane is the knowledge that if we ever get attacked by something capable of killing all of them, my bonuses to movement might let me outrun it.