
Her friendly smile and calm demeanor re-established, but Lonna sighs inwardly. She knows that she showed too much, gave too much away, and Bert will likely demand a fee for more information, knowing that she still had some real concern for the family she abandoned. Bert's pre-occupation with the sell-sword was probably a reminder that he had other "customers" and that they would pay him for his gossip, unlike Lonna.

"Bert, I have to be going, but before I do, will you answer me one last question? If someone were to ask me where in this gods-forsaken rat maze of a city the Kites have holed up, what should I tell them?"

(The following comes after Bert responds, whether nor not he is helpful.)

"As always, Bert, a pleasure doing business with you." says Lonna blandly. "Boy. William, wasn't it? My business here is finished; let's go."

Without looking to see if he followed, Lonna turned on her heel and strolled casually out of the cobbler shop. Turning randomly down the covered alley, Lonna waits until she is well out of Bert and Jonae's sight before sagging against the nearest wall, half-covering her face with one hand. My siblings on the street? It can't be... Padraeg will probably be all right; he'll see it all as a big game. Garrin is old enough to take care of himself, especially if the rumors are true and he's gotten into magic. Natsume though, she's so quiet, so timid... she'll never survive. Life on the street is too rough for someone like her.

"I have to help them." So unexpected is the thought that Lonna says it out loud, lowering her hand as if she were about to look for the speaker. "They need help. I will help them." She repeats the idea, as if to cement it in her consciousness, then straightens, her plans made. First I'll leave William with his gang, as I promised. Then I will seek out my family, for the first time in five years, and offer my assistance.