Ben - Human Brawler

Ben had been well rested before the fire broke out so after the swim to shore, he found he wasn't all that exausted and had spent the entire night simply standing and watching as the vessel few burning remains of the ship were extinguished by the waves. Once this distraction was gone however, his mind finally reminded him that it wasn't all his sleep that allowed him to be restless, but rather the amount of adrenaline rushing through his body. Crawling up to the top of the beachline, he had collapsed and embraced the comfort of sleep once again.

Waking up to the commotion of the other survivors just a few hundred yards up the beach, Ben leapt to his feet and approached him. Stopping to observe a while, he could see a couple of figures moving bodies to a line where a man slowly moved up the line, rummaging over the corpses. Ben walked up to this person, dropped down his sack and watched as a half-orc dragged another limp body to the end of the line.

"What's goin' on here?", were the only words Ben could find to ask.