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Thread: Shipwrecked! IC Thread

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shipwrecked! IC Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lawful_evil View Post

    What? Epswitch turns to see who is jabbering at him now. Oh, its that crazy woman. I'll have to play this smooth. What did those human woman at the bar like to be called... right. Epswitch walks over, checking the beach for his stuff as he goes. Stopping 10 feet away, he says, "Look wench, I'l got things to do here. In case you hadn't noticed, the ship sunk and all of our possession have been scattered by the waves." Epswitch takes a deep breath before he continues..Ah, I do like the smell of the salty air. Much cleaner and fresher than chimney air.

    He motions to the body and says, "You are doing that all wrong. Just because they are breathing doesn't mean they'll ever wake up again. Take the blade and stab them in the hand. Not too hard, but hard enough. If they wake up or scream or flinch, then they are alive. If they just lay there, leave'm for the wolves."

    Epswitch turned to leave and then remembered, her last request and turned back to her saying, "As for dragging the bodies around. Well, look at me. This man's boots are taller than I am and weigh more too. If you want to arrange the bodies, by all means do so, but please remove their clothing first. I suspect it'll be a long long time before anyone manages to build a loom and start weaving cloth."

    Action : Antagonize the survivors and look for my stuff. If I see that guy who was tending the animals on the ship, try to make friends.
    Mara Herbswife

    Mara stared at the arrogant halfling speechlessly, her breath taken away both by the run and by the little man's callous rudeness. By the time she recovered, his back was turned and he was walking away. If looks could kill, the glare from Mara's eyes, so dark a brown that they were almost black, would have struck down the halfling many times over. Don't waste time arguing with the whole when you can be tending to the injured, thought Mara, remembering another piece of advice her teacher had given her. Ovias and some of his group had disappeared inland, presumably in search of a safe place to bury the dead, and those who remained were busy ferrying the bodies that she and her helper had confirmed were deceased. They would have no time to help her find what she needed right now. The next moment someone emerged from the milling crowd and offered her a blanket, appologizing for not having the correct size clothing.

    "Thanks, this helps, this helps alot," said Mara with a warm smile for the helpful stranger.

    Muttering under her breath about halflings who didn't know enough to be polite to a healer, even a half-trained one, Mara hurried up the beach to her backpack and extracted her spare outfit. Thanking the gods she had thought to put one in there rather than leaving them all in the small trunk that had held most of her belongings, Mara returned to the unconscious man and pulled back her cloak to check him.

    He had dried out considerably more than she expected, her cloak absorbing much of the water from his damp clothes. Pleased, she brushed back her shoulder-length sun-bleached brown hair to examine him more carefully. Though his breathing was shallow and his skin cold to the touch, his pulse was strong and his color was coming back. As long as he's kept warm, he should be fine. After a moment's hesitation, Mara peeled off the stranger's wet shirt and cloak. Her own clothes were clearly too small for this man, but they functioned as a makeshift blanket for his upper half, once she had rolled him onto her spare cloak to keep him off the not yet sun-warmed sand. For the first time wishing she had brought skirts rather than breeches, Mara draped the winter blanket over him, then wrapped the edges of the cloak over him. She nodded to herself, satisfied that she had done all she could. Finally, she spread his shirt and both of their cloaks on the beach to dry, weighing them down with small stones so they would not blow away.

    Moving down the beach again, Mara checked the rest of the bodies, but found no spark of life in them. With a sigh, she returned to the survivor, sat down next to him, and settled in to watch the waves and wait for him to wake.
    Last edited by Lonna; 2008-02-18 at 10:20 AM.
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