Janson Himmerhardt, venerable human writer

Thanks to the attention of Mara, Janson Himmerhardt is able to make a swift recovery. He had suffered primarily from dehydration, but that was quicly remedied by the efforts of Epswitch and the others. His bruises are healing nicely, and he is able to get around in a couple of days. As soon as he is able, Janson volunteers for watch duty.

He replies to the dubious looks of his friends thus:

I may be wizened, youngsters, but my eyes and ears are sharper than many of yours! Ha!

His bright smile and merry eyes are pretty convincing.

Jansen spends his days between naps looking for berries or fruits which would make good ink and for plants which could be turned into paper. He's especially interested in gleaning information from anyone (perhaps Mara) who know the properties of plants. He also offers his help to tend the animals rescued from the boat.

OOC: (1st night guard duty)
Listen: (1d20+7)[16]
Spot: (1d20+6)[25]
Handle Animal: (1d20+6)[14]
1st week Survival: take 10 + 3 = 13