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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Pathfinder Chronicles - Ch.1: Burnt Offerings

    Everett Allardyce

    The paladin of Sarenrae looks at his roommates. "Good morn' to you all! The blessings and mercies of Sarenrae upon each of you!" he intones before taking a bite of the bread. "I am Everett Allardyce. Pleased to make your acquaintances."

    As he smiles, his white teeth stand out in stark contrast to his dark skin. The merlot-colored cloak he wears hangs from his shoulders over his chain shirt. A silver holy symbol of Sarenrae, an angel with wings and arms outstretched in a welcoming embrace, rests prominently upon his chest. Neatly arranged atop his bed lie a travel pack, a heavy wooden shield, a scimitar, a sap, a warhammer and a light crossbow with its case. Hanging from the headboard is a wide-brimmed leather hat, dyed to a nearly golden hue, presumably to cover the man's shaved head and keep the sun from his hazel eyes.
    Last edited by GimliFett; 2008-02-28 at 09:35 AM.
    I have returned!! Not that most of y'all know whom I am.

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    The Many Faces of GimliFett.