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Thread: Darik City: The City's Finest

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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    On my back, in my heart

    Default Re: Darik City: The City's Finest

    Oh, and they provoke AoOs entering out squares.
    Kikkendekken: (1d20+3)[7](10)
    Kikkendekken (morningstar): (1d6)[5](5)
    Thump: (1d20+4)[10](14)
    Thump (claw): (1d4+2)[4](6)
    Thump strength check: (1d20+2)[9](11)
    Thump reflex save: (1d20+6)[20](26)
    Kikkendekken reflex: (1d20+4)[16](20)

    With Kikkendekken re-experiencing his breakfast from earlier, thump is left leaderless. He'd seen his master attacking someone before, and so charges forward. Though the press of the crowd slows him, he does nothing but struggle valiantly against their numbers, making a full-round move toward the shadowy figure.

    Yomruzz tumble check: (1d20+7)[19](26)

    Yomruzz dances his(her) way through the panicking throng again, growing closer still to the shadowy figure, his(her) fist balled in frustration. This guy was going down. Blinking out of his sight, she struck out at the figure.

    This is assuming she can catch up this turn :She tumbles forward, uses a ghost step, and hits hard. Attack rolls next post.
    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2008-03-05 at 03:05 AM.
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