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Thread: Anti-Heroes

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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Not Oz

    Default Re: Anti-Heroes


    'mort is from V.L. *mortus "dead," from L. mortuus, pp. of mori "to die" (see mortal)'

    Most languages have at least one word, dealing with death, that comes from the Latin root.

    In English:
    Mortician, one who takes care of the dead
    Mortal, one who is subject to death
    Mortify, to affect with gangrene or necrosis (death of flesh)

    The hunting term is Mort, the horn sounded during a hunt to signify the death of the prey.
    Last edited by Jammeez; 2008-03-09 at 04:58 PM.
    My Doodles
    She’s the light of my life, the dark of my night, the fire of my hearth, the ice of my heart.
    She’s my shade in summer, my warmth in winter, my bread against hunger, my wine against thirst.
    She’s the burr in my boot, the thorn in my side, my guardian angel, my demon child!
    The reason I am, the bane of existence! She’s my home, my labor, my play, my rest!
    She is my LOVE!

    We thought her dying while she slept, and sleeping when she died.
    ~Bram Stoker

    Awesome Avvie by Maestro