Wu-feng the Dragonfly

The Taoist Swordmonk curses as the demon appears out of the range of her blade

It's times like these that I wish I had learned how to use a bow, She thinks as she looks around her environment. Perhaps if there is a building tall enough, one she can reach by walking the rooftops, she can nail the demon with a decisive aerial strike, or lure it back closer to the ground...though she isn't looking forward to the possibility of falling 70ft straight to the earth...

Wu looks around for a way to gain some elevation (spot (1d20+6)[24] ). If she finds any, she runs, leaps, and tumbles her way to the highest point, and readies a strike.

If there isn't, she watches the demon intently, with her blade ready for an attack (starts a Hawk's Eye maneuver), but her feet ready to shift her position if she needs to move (Total Defense, Full +5 Combat Expertise)

Sorry for the delay...March Break is Madness where I am