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    Ogre in the Playground
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    The Blessed Geometry

    Default Re: OotS-style House of Horrors 2: like Tomb of Horrors (NSFW)

    Quote Originally Posted by Flame Master Axel View Post
    What ever happened to the days when horror meant a loving caring image of Belkar and Miko have a child. I miss those.
    It was decided that horror should be universal. Belkar and Miko is only horrific if you are familiar enough with the characters...and if extreme ooc-ness is horrific to you. Roy/Julia is only horrific if you know they're siblings.

    But poor, naked fairies being fed to Shambling Pubic Mounds by spitefully jealous bards (and seriously, what is that flag?)...tentacle monsters with a penchant for entranglement followed immediately by intrusional probing...that's disturbing whether you know who the poor saps are or not.
    Last edited by Raging Gene Ray; 2008-03-18 at 01:47 AM.