Hey, back to basics here. I never really got the hang of designing/playing spellcasters, so I figure, better late than never, right?

What I want is a witch archetype (traditional stereotype, not modern Wicca). The setting's vague but druid-based, with most gods have dual (and competing) aspects. I got the DM to go along with the notion of Death as a true-neutral deity split around a body/spirit dualism, with the former side having to do with corpses, decay, etc, and the latter having to do with spirits, the afterlife, and so on. My character gained magical power through bartering with the servants of Death (body side). She isn't a priest or servant herself. Not a librarian, just someone with a library card. Anyhow, all that's characterization, not mechanics.

In stat terms, I'm thinking of a wizard (I'm partial to halfling wizard, at the moment, odd as that sounds.... but really, +1 to all saves and +2 to AC (size and dex) is nothing for a wizard to sneer at) with a specialization in necromancy and a raven familiar personifying her bargain or acting as broker/enforcer. I'm not too attached to that, though; if this can be done better with a sorceror, or even a druid, I'm not picky. (I can't see her in armor, though, so cleric's likely out.) She's not EVIL, just subtle and macabre. The important thing is the power theme: Save or suck/die spells are primary, and buffs low on the agenda. Less flashy-blasty-overwhelming-power stuff; flaming sphere, while very nice, wouldn't have a place in her repetoire. Also, I'd need staying power or alternatives to casting; I've got a dark feeling that we'll be up against numerous encounters that'll tax my number of spells.

Anyhow, the formal request:

Q1: I'd like a 2nd level wizard with step-by-step progression through 7th level.
Books: Core only.
Race: PH only. Halfling prefered, but others possible.
Class: Wizard preferred, but others possible. Possible Necromancy specialization.
Ability Scores: 30 point buy.
Allignment: Non-evil. TN prefered. No casting-turns-you-evil spells, please.
Concept: Stereotypical witch with ties to god of Death and possibly a raven familiar/animal companion/whatever. Heavy on save-or-suck/die spells (curses and hexes) light on flashy evocations and buffs, but there's room for those too.
Other: Combat tactics for each level would be nice.