Quote Originally Posted by Chronicled View Post
I've seen a nice PC creation option:

1) 1 LA bought off (LA buyoff otherwise not allowed)
2) 1 free feat
3) A number (variable) of crafting xp, most to be used before play

A variant of this might work out for you.
What if the character isn't interested in crafting? (like, say, about 90% of all the characters I've seen)

On another note, here's a rough idea along the lines of others presented here:

Choose a class that best symbolizes the race (often the favored class) and give HD levels of that class, but without any special abilities.

For instance, a goliath would have an extra: d12 HD, 1 BAB, 4+Int skills.

This works signifigantly less well with a caster, but still: d4 HD, 1/2 BAB prog., 2+Int skills, +1 effective caster level. Note: this is not spell progression, they are simply counted as being higher for duration and such.

For monsters that already have a casting progression (such as a nymph), simply extend their druid casting equal to their HD. Honestly, an ECL 16 Nymph druid caster with nymph abilities but without wild shape or animal companion is MUCH less powerful then a normal druid, but probably alot more interesting.