Kenan was frustrated, angry, something had gone wrong with his blessing. This should not have happened something had gone wrong, his power and intellect had been belittled, someone had played a very dangerous game with Kenan. Kenan already had a deep-seated hatred for this person, they had foiled his plans. His church were like weeds, and they gave out benefits as often as they took in. He had taught some of them the concept of currency backed by a stable state, though it had yet to catch on. He knew it would.

But that was a side event, it hadn't been Kenan's plan to have his own church be influential, that came naturally from his following. It was, however, his plan to have everyone be well. Everyone was not well. This rather pissed him off. He didn't know who or what had done it, but when he discovered it, he would see that person pay back the world for all that they had done.

As he researched that, he decided to take more interest in his followers. He went down to the earth and began to take note of the matters of crime and poverty. He noted his own church was of very little help in these matter, rather disappointingly. He should have known when he made a church based on ambition that he would mostly get the power hungry. But that was okay, he gave fair rewards to good workers who didn't cheat and so he had slowed some of the more dangerous traits of ambition, which cause quiet a bit of crime.

One of the serious problems however, was that very few people seemed to have any idea the effects of society on their individual lives, so they saw no reason to curb crime. Well, besides that Kenan and Amon told them to. But it was so very much easier to worship Asmodeus and do absolutely nothing. This proved one of the hard points for Kenan.

Asmodeus. Everywhere Kenan's followers went, Asmodeus' were either near behind or well ahead. Kenan and Asmodeus seemed to gather from the same lot of people, the poor, the frustrated, the fearful, and those with a want for power. And Asmodeus had city states, whereas Kenan, well, Kenan had people either trying to make a profit trading between those city states, Chang and Kudan or trying to climb to power in those very places. And everywhere was Asmodeus, promising no laws to hamper the ambitious.

It was kind of counterproductive, he wanted to encourage healthy desires in people, to fix things, change things, to better themselves, to better others, and to better the world. He wanted to give those people the ability to do just that. But he also wanted to reward good work, regardless of why, and he had to deal with it whenever some cult sprang up professing his name as they stole.

Still, Kenan carried on. Ah, the money had caught on in Chang. Good. It would help, and ah, yes, it had been blessed by his church. Kenan was very good at coercing those who traded into thinking it a good idea. And now market would thrive. But so would theft. He had to do something about that, but he really had no idea what.