By the way, this is a perfect set-up for the self-fulfilling prophecy. Travoria will reform, realize that Celesto is a threat to the First Caste, and try to kill him. Celesto will 'splode her, and Dominic will realize it is all his fault.

This will never, in a million years, happen in this strip.
It's funny because I mentioned that as the ideal resolution to this tomfoolery when the soul-falling-filler was still going on.


Also, yes. Luna is popping up tomorrow to sob like a bitch and talk about how she tried to kill herself. Twice. But since she had Dominic, and he helped her through it. And how strong OH is to still be around even though she never had anybody, but now Luna will be there for her.

Yes, OH will be Nimmel Redux. Watch out.

Also, ONE MORE THING. Barnet said she bought all her crazy gear off of the Blinder lady (Obviously they aren't THAT hard to find) during the loltorture. But now she suddenly had all of her magic trinkets back at the Travoria estates? wha?

Also, have we ever received ANY indication of the characters' ages in DD? Beyond that Gregory is somewhere above 8?