Quote Originally Posted by dman11235 View Post
That is true on the NW and flurry, but I do HR that NW can be used in addition to FoB (not in place of the attacks, but after your normal attacks). See if your DM agrees.
This is correct, similar to the way a monk with Flurry of Blows and Two Weapon Fighting can make full monk Flurry attacks and THEN take an offhand attack with the weapon, which is not required to be a special monk weapon. Whether or not a weapon is a monk special weapon is ONLY important when determining whether or not it can be subbed in as part of an attack in a Flurry.

So, like, a high level monk with 6 attacks in a flurry could attack with kicks and headbutts while holding a greatsword, then make an extra attack with the greatsword as a 2ndary attack using TWF, but could not attack with the greatsword as any of the 6 flurry attacks.