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    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Flawse Fell, Geordieland

    Default Re: The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel (Seeking Campaign Advice)

    1) A "Scarlet Pimpernel" campaign is a fantastic idea! Ceremonial defenestration in honour of your inherent awesumsaucery begins forthwith. Don't worry though, you're a swashbuckler; there's always a cart full of straw for you to land in.

    2) D&D as-is is useless for modelling swashbucklery games. The combat system is b0rked, the level system breaks down after about 6th (see the enworld E6 discussion), and the availability of magic dodges around all the clever skill use that makes swashbuckling espionage (swashpionage?) such fun in the first place.

    You might want to try "d20 Past", which covers this time period. Or, if you don't mind stepping outside your comfort zone a little, see if you can't find a copy of "7th Sea" (the original roll-and-keep version, not the d20 system bandwagon jumping version). That was about the most swashbucklery system I ever played. Just tone down the more bizarro magical elements, fast forward the setting (a mythic pseudo-Europe) 100 years or so, and you should be good to go.
    Last edited by bosssmiley; 2008-04-13 at 09:18 AM.