Wow! I'm rather pleasantly surprised there's so much interest in this! I expected this thread to slide off the front page without more than one or two replies.

I just took a look at the Savage Worlds rules (the name had me thinking of the Savage Land from Marvel comics... I'm rather glad to see it isn't a system devoted to modeling Ka-Zar) and I'm happy to say I like what I see. I'll almost certainly pick it up. I know of a store downtown that's trying to offload the Pirates of the Spanish Main book, too, so I might be able to grab it for a good price. If not, it looks like I can certainly work with what's in the basic manual.

It's true that I lack an audience for this, at least at the moment... I've never run a system with actual rules in PbP (though I have run and helped run a number of freeform PbP games... ), and I don't really understand the mechanics involved with doing so... I gather that this forum has some sort of die-roller built in, but I have no idea how you could use it with Savage Worlds' acing system. I say that to say this... I'd like to run this as a PbP game, especially since there's so much interest in it, but I really have no clue how to start. If someone could explain to me the mechanics of running PbP, I'd love to run this thing online.