(I noticed there is another thread about "next session" stuff, but these are unrelated and coincidental. )

It's a Dawnforge Campaign, and it'd written to myself so I can use it as notes. So, without further thinkamajinks, here's what I'm planning to do to my group this Friday:
Once the players get to Ironwall, they’ll walk the streets a bit. Once they finish whatever business they may have, they begin noticing signs.
“Come! Try your luck against the Impenetrable Fortress! Unseen Wonders and Prizes Galore!” The signs are very brightly painted, friendly and flamboyant images magically dancing around the background: Various pixies and sprites, as well as nursery rhyme characters and other fantastic creatures.
When the characters get to the place, they see a great rundown building. The man at the door is a frail looking gnome, wearing robes depicting the same delicate and wonderful images from the signs they followed. “Well Met and Welcome, Blessed Souls, to the land of fun and games! The Impenetrable Fortress is just the place to test your skill for prizes upon prizes! Would you enter? It’s free of charge to anyone brave enough to step through the great, gilded doors.”
He gestures to the door of the building, which seems considerably larger and golder than it was when the characters first noticed it. The doors open and two beautiful young women step into the door way, inviting them in. Looking into the building, through the door. There are people walking around, playing various games with each other, and children rushing about and after each other. They can see a game of tag ensuing amongst some young ones, as well as a group of adults circling some attraction near a side wall. There is a great round counter in the center of the great room with more attractive women sitting inside. Some are serving drinks, others are helping people fill out paperwork.

After they sign up for the fortress, the players are sent into a room, along with other people from adults to children, all excited and laughing. The room goes dark. Suddenly, colored lights zoom around over head leaving streaks in the darkness, and a very uninterested man’s voice echoes through the room, “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Impenetrable Fortress. Please, no food or drink inside the fortress. (The players feel a slight tingle about them after this.) The Impenetrable Fortress is not responsible for any loss that may occur, be it coins, items, or limbs. Please be safe while inside The Fortress. And, Enjoy.”

There is a click and a door opens, flooding the room with light. After a few blinks, the players are able to look around the room. They are alone. There are no other doors, secret or otherwise.
Before them is another room, with a great wall and ropes hanging down the front and a platform on the top. There is a path to the wall, and on each side of the path is crystal clear pools of water, which go down about 15 feet, and connect by way of a small tunnel, making the path a sort of bridge. If a player tries to swim down, they will find a grappling hook and 100 feet of Silk Rope.
When the first player grabs a rope, their hand passes through it. The next rope crumbles into ash. The next, retracts itself very quickly (DC10 reflex or take 1 point damage from rope-burn). The fourth, and final rope, does nothing but act as a normal rope, and when tugged there is a loud click and the sound of rushing water. The pools on the side of the room begin rising and the after a round the top of the bridge is beginning to get wet.
(DC 5 to move at quarter-speed, DC 10 to move at half. The water should scare the players, but if they fall, it saves them from damage, and they need only start climbing again.)
In the next room, there are platforms of varying heights and a key hanging from a thin string dangling over highest platform. A character must make 6 consecutive, successful jump checks. Each platform is roughly twenty feet across. The player(s) must make a running jump DC 5 jump (DC 10 without running). When the character reaches one side of the platform and prepares to run, the platform starts to tilt and the player must run and jump then or risk falling down with the platform. The platforms are connected to chains that pull them back up when they tip over. If a character should fail a jump check and fall, they fall until 20 ft from ground feather fall 10 ft, and then fall the last 10 ft. Causing an effective d6 of damage.
When a character finally grabs the key, all the platforms lower to the ground, rapidly, leaving the character hanging in the air. Luckily, after falling 10 ft, the key activates Feather Fall, and the character is not injured.

Then next and final room is a giant chess board. There is a door on the far end. When they step onto the checkerboard, there is another click. The chess pieces that were on their side disappear. Pawns on the far side turn into kobolds, and the other pieces on the other side meld together to block off the doorway.
The squares on the checkerboard are enchanted to teleport creatures around. The colored tiles alternate each round, moving their contents 1d6 squares in a random direction. (Players will roll a d8 at the beginning of their turn to determine their direction of travel. Hitting a wall bounces the character in (new d8) direction until all squares have been traveled. Hitting the same wall twice causes the player to stop in whatever square they occupy.) After being teleported, the players may act normally.
Battle is 8 kobolds. After each is defeated, there is a 65% chance that another will take its place.

When they finally beat that room, the wall disappears. When they walk through the door, they are surrounded by dense jungle foliage. There is a sign floating 30 ft away that reads “Winner’s sign here!” When all the players have signed, the voice from before comes back, though much more interested this time: “Congratulations on beating the Impenetrable Fortress! Here are your prizes.”

Prizes include a +1 shortsword, a couple augment crystals (least and lesser), and a large chest containing a chest for each player, and an extra chest. Each of the player chests have 500gp in them, and the last chest has a note:

“Your grand prize: An all expense paid, one-way vacation to the Tamerland. Enjoy.”

(And, yeah, I totally ganked the teleporting floor tiles from a thread here. If it was your idea, take credit, cause I can't remember.)

Little bit of background: they started on the main continent, basically just walking around, expecting me to drop adventures in their lap. So, I'm gonna drop them in a mostly unexplored continent and let them fight for their survival...which none of them have ranks in. My players will be level 3, by the end of the above session.

My problem is thus: I'm not sure where to go from here. I know my players will love this session, but, I'm not sure where to go after that. I'm sure they'll eventually wanna kill the person who teleported them here. But, they'll have to get back first. So, I imagine a bunch of Jungle crawling, followed by tribal negotiations (Lizardfolk are the "intelligent" race on this continent, and fairly peaceful, if not barabaric.), then maybe a ruins crawl and then a sea adventure to take them back.

Please, O Great Playground Brothers and Sisters, help me cover the bones of this skeleton (and fix and broken bones that may be there already). Help me trick my players into thinking I'm a good DM.