What's that? You want ta know where the Three Realms came from? Boyo, ain'tcha got anything better ta do than ta bug an old man? Whasat? Ya got pie... mmm... damn. Well, since ya brought pie and cider may as well tell ya a bit.

Folks say that way back when there was a bunch o nothin. Tha's right. Nothin. Like what's in yer fool head when yer a brat. Seems that after a long while, that nothin got tired o bein nothin and it made somethin. That somethin was the universe. Course, it wasn't like it is today. Course not. Did ya just magically make tha pie appear outta thin air? Course not. Ya had to mix the parts up right, put it together right, and bake it up! Same story with the universe. And the fellers that did the baking were what folks call the Elder Gods.

Where'd they come from? Shoot! They came from the universe itself, ta make it less of a mess and turn it inta somethin better! Some say there was seven o em. Others say only five. Me, I say seven, cause if there wasn't so many cooks maybe things would turn out better! Anyways, these Gods weren't like whatcha find at the local temple or shrine. There was Creation, Possibility, Limitation, Location, Observation, Destruction, and Interaction. And these seven whipped stuff up out of the universe, decided what it could do, what it couldn't, where it existed and when, how it'd affect other stuff, how it'd look in the grand scheme, and take it out of the universe if it wasn't needed any more.

Now the Elder gods went around bakin up the world and the stars and the planes and everythin else for a long time. Then they had themselves a bit o disagreement. See, Destruction was supposed ta get rid o stuff that wasn't needed anymore... kinda like takin out the trash. Only the other Elder gods figured they'd just use what he took to make more stuff. Only destruction wasn't havin any of it. When it was gone, it was gone, was his take. And soon the Elder gods got ta fightin so loud and long that they was fit to bust the universe back ta basics. So they made an agreement... each one would remove themselves from tha universe. Course it sounds stupid ta ya, fool bratling! But if they'd fought then none of em would win.

So the Elder Gods set some rules before they went. Creation made life itself possible. Limitation set all the rules for how the universe would work... and Possibility became magic that could break them all! Location fixed the three realms and time in place. Destruction made sure everything could eventually die, even the universe. Observation... well folks say Observation just kept on Observin and promised to keep his opinions ta himself! And Interaction... well she just exploded inta a million different kinds o Gods. Tha younger Gods.

Well these Gods, they were born from the millions of different feelings shared by the Elder Gods, so some of em were happy and some of em were sad and some of em were pissed. But they saw this big old empty world teemin with life and possibility and rules and the Younger Gods went out and started makin things with it. And eventually they started makin people. Why? Well they was born from Interaction and they wanted things ta interact with! Eventually these people started buttin up against other people, and sure enough they got to arguin.

Now, there was one group o folk there that didn't have a God. The Ith. Folks don't know if they was made by Creation, or maybe some God made em and then abandoned them. But the Ith didn't have no gods. Instead, they figured out just what magic was. Well, before that only the Gods could do magic. But the Ith, they figgered it out too, and soon they were making their little towns and cities, all without a God tellin em how. That got some o the gods a might riled up, so they gathered all o their followers and folk and went ta give the Ith a good thrashin. But it turned out the Ith gave the thrashin and went one up. They took tha god leadin those folks and used a spell ta dump them right inta Destruction, killin em good.

This scared the Younger Gods somethin fierce. Hell, they didn't have ta deal with death. They just came from no where and lived, no sweat. The thought they could die was terrifyin. And it didn't do the Ith any favors either. When they wanted to take over somethin, they'd slaughter the folk and then kill their God. Got ta bein the Ith were runnin the whole fool world fore too long, with folk payin them tribute and even Gods bowin to em. They had slaves and magic and power and everythin else they wanted. Then one o the fools thought they could cheat death itself. The Gods was immortal, so why couldn't they? All they had ta do was take some o that immortal juice from the Gods they'd punted into destruction and live ferever!

Well, you know what that lead to. The cataclysm. See, powerful as the Ith were, Destruction was a part of tha universe itself, even if it wasn't in it proper any more. And when the Ith tried ta take some of Destruction's stuff... well... it didn't go well for the Ith or the world. Explosion was so great it cracked the world and the realms! Less than a tenth o the people on the world survived, and only a handful of Gods remained. Worse, somethin came out from Destruction. Some say they was those dead gods what the Ith killed. Some say they was somethin even older and worse nipped outta creation long ago.

Course the Ith weren't gone! But like most o the world they had a hard nuff time survivin! They wandered around and bred with some folks, givin their children tha ability ta do real magic. But the Ith was so few and so scattered that eventually most of em disappeared. Meanwhile the whole world was off kilter. Continents was moving... islands poppin out o the ocean or disappearin inta rifts! Storms rippin across the oceans. Took a couple thousand years ta calm things.

Now, about this time the celestials and infernals got involved in things. See, afore the cataclysm they was servants to tha younger gods. But with so many of their bosses now dead and gone, them servants was lookin fer a new way and they got ta arguin. Finally they decided ta see which o em was right, was good better er evil? They wasn't too blatant at first. Give a little help here. Spread a little message there. Tempt. But as time went on they gots more and more vocal about it. And then sure enough, one of em got their hands on the Ith secret o Godslayin and realized the other way ta win an argument is ta kill who's disagreein! And so they started fightin each other good and proper.

Well, it wasn't so good for tha folks. They got caught up in the wars, or caught in it when they was just tryin ta live. Infernals and celestials bred with folks to give em divine powers themselves, while the Ith blooded worked their spells just ta stay alive. Other critters of the far realms, like the dragons and the faerie, got mixed in it too. Everything was headin straight ta another cataclysm when the mortal leaders o magic all met and said 'nuff is nuff!' and they wipped up a storm fit ta make the Ith jealous. And like a door slammin shut the people o the far realm were locked out o the mortal realm. Course... some angels and demons refused ta leave, but by that time they was so twisted and changed I doubt ya could tell em apart. That's right, boyo. Tha Sunderin.

Well followin tha mess ya had folks just wantin ta be folks! The younger Gods founded their churches ta try and pick up some of tha pieces. And most o the nations we know today pieced themselves together. Ya had
Treel and Arum, Philegos down south, and Bastion... and a whole slew o lesser kingdoms poppin up.

Now one o the last ones was this kingdom called Irryn. Tha's right boyo... the great Irrynian Empire started out as just one island in the middle o the seas. But they gots bigger and bigger and soon they found themselves a trick of how ta turn magic inta Aetherium. With Aetherium... ya didn't need ta be Blooded ta use magic! They even found ways o makin machines that run off the stuff! And soon they was conquerin left and right, bringin their 'science' and 'technology' ta tha world. And sure as folks are folks... I betcha that some day they're gonna make another sunderin or even a cataclysm. Just hope I ain't round to see it... nor ya neither! Now, git outta here. And thank yer ma for tha pie!