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Thread: The Grinder (Mr.Scary Solo)

  1. - Top - End - #95
    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Re: The Grinder (Mr.Scary Solo)

    the enhanced strength of the iron is magical in nature and doesn't add weight, still its a cylinder of iron and given your measurements and a density of 7.87 g/cm^3 it weighs 771.744946 pounds. Easy lifting for your strong men.

    The slight breeze going into the sphere helps clear out the air quickly. I mean that both ways of course.

    As the two slide the cylinder through the portal the metal pulls away from them with a quick jerk yanked down by the force of gravity. The cylinder drops like the piece of metal it is tumbling through the air (and given the supposed orientation of the architecture this is somewhat disorienting to look at). The metal slams into the far "wall" (actually the floor of the pit), the surface seems to be built on some sort of hinge, because it suddenly rotates around carrying the metal with it. You are left looking at an exact copy, as if nothing had happened.
    Spot checks please
    Last edited by Sxoa; 2008-06-16 at 10:40 AM.