Jack Trader
The gnome's gruff attitude seems to melt away at your decision to buy a drink, his angry scowl twisting into a beaming smile. He hurries over to the bar with you and serves you a large mug of some dark liquid that smells a little too powerfully of cinnamon, although your not sure if it is another attempt to hide the lingering smells of the sewer or to hide the beverage's true odor. Perhaps both.

The gnome smiles and nods as you make your proposition. "Ah, well," he replies, "You're talking to the right gnome! I'm Krassindugude, owner of this place. My costumers seem to like it quiet, but you seem good enough. Can't beat that price neither!"

"Hey! Go tell the drunks that we have a performance for their entertainment to night!" he barks at the gnome servants. loud enough that the costumers probably heard already. Many of them seem reluctant to bother the tavern's patrons, bringing the angry scowl back to the travernkeeper's face. "Well get at it! A little music's good for you! Go!"

The gnomes hurry around the tavern, passing the message into the curtained booths. A few faces peek out of the curtains out of curiosity or suspicion before returning to their privacy Only a few bother to push aside the furs to pay attention.

"Whenever you're ready," Krass says with a smile and curt nod.


The dwarf moves the paper work he was scribbling on into one of the piles of paper, practically flinging it into a random stack. As he pulls another paper from the small stack at the front of the desk, he finally looks up to regard you. "Agarish, you say?" he asks, tapping a fingernail on his surprisingly white teeth. "Ah yes, the sea captain murdered on his ship, right? Got the paper work right there." He waves a hand at the piles of paper before turning his attention to the new paperwork in front of him, resuming his furious scribbling. "I'm afraid I'm too busy to figure out if you have the rights or reasons to look at it, however," he explains. "Come back tomorrow morning when we're not dealing with all the night time drunks and thieves and we'll see what we can do for you."