Barnacle Jack

As you leap to the dock, the two men, large brutes who likely have a bit of giant blood in them, to either side of the beckoning one take a step back and each for the large blades strapped to their backs. The central figure, a tall, hansom human with striking violet eyes, cascading blue hair, and ornate robes, motions for them to stand down.

The purpled eyed man offers a small smile. "Good," he says in a clam, soft voice. "I was hoping to meet with someone from the Beggar's Choice before it set sail tomorrow. I have a venture for your consideration, one that I think you will find is quite amiable and remunerative.

"Undoubtedly you question this curious meeting. It is an unmistakable mark that you are the type of reasonable and practical individual we seek to employ.

"Ah, but I am getting ahead of myself. You certainly have a desire to know with whom you are speaking, your kind usually does. Therefore you may call me Callon."
He offers a slight bow