So, it appears I have a passion for putting my players in a situation that I have no idea how to run.
Basically, on Friday, they're going to set sail across a vast ocean, comparable to that of the Pacific, stopping at an island on the way, for character development and possible side quest. Imagine sailing from Japan to the US, stopping in Hawaii.

Well, I'm not a sailor, nor have I ever played one on TV, so I don't know what to do. It's a D&D 3.5 campaign, and I'm using the Dawnforge campaign setting (though, I know most of The Playgrounders aren't familiar with it.)
What I need to know:
What size boat would be suitable for a party of about three dozen, 6 of whom are the PCs (Level 5, but their power level is over 10,000)? The ship used to be a freight vessel, and was used to smuggle supplies to "the resistance."
What kind of encounters could I throw into the trip? I'd like to have a storm or two, definately monster attacks. Maybe there is a mini dungeon in the ship, with traps set by the resistance members to prevent pirates from stealing their cargo/info.
How long would this trip take? The time is fairly relative, but, I need to know, just in case they ask. The boat isn't magical or anything, though, about 90% of the NPC crew have psychic abilities (dubbed psionics in-game, but I'm not statting them).

So, any assistance would be helpful and appreciated. Thanks.