Quote Originally Posted by Aquillion View Post
You're not getting a 'reflection' of your equipment -- you're, uh, duplicating every piece of equipment you own. Which seems abusable, to put it mildly.

There's no description of whether or not that duplicate equipment is lost when your Astral Projection is killed/terminated, but let's assume it is. Even then... so I buy a Ring of Three Wishes. Then I cast Astral Projection. My projection has a Ring of Three Wishes. This is not the original ring -- this is a completely new ring. I use it up. The ring back on my physical body is unaffected. I end the projection, then cast the spell again, creating a new, fully-charged copy of that original ring...
You could do that, but that's not the only way to abuse it, especially if you're high enough level to have a ring of three wishes. If you're duplicating EVERYTHING, then you should make sure you've got all sorts of high-level expensive equipment on you when you cast astral projection. Then just have your friendly neighborhood high-level Cleric make a gate (the astral travel version, which costs NO XP) beside you, walk through, and get the copies of your equipment from your astral body. (I don't know anything about the Planes, though, so would they need any special equipment to grab anything on the Astral Plane and/or bring it back?)

Then they just pop back to real world and the two of you split the profit of your doubled goods. If you can get a lot of coins instead of magic items, that makes it even better since you don't have to worry about finding someone to sell high-level items to.

Anyone see any RAW problems with that?