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Thread: [Avatar d20] Level 15 PCs vs. Monsters

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Eighth_Seraph's Avatar

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    Default Re: [Avatar d20] Level 15 PCs vs. Monsters

    I'm sorry, AlterForm. I was at a Tae Kwon Do tournament today, and was forcing myself to do this instead of sleeping. I'm in the DMing groove now, though, so I can make it fluffier and less "Wow. That's terrible." And yes, it's a crime against DMing, I can see it now. I'll fix it.

    Dai Li actions - Round 5

    At this point, it's all a matter of mopping up the leftovers. The "Earth King" drops his earthen guise and smiles smugly, knowing that every criminal in Ba Sing Se will think twice before so much as stealing candy from children after this demonstration of Dai Li tactical superiority. He clenches his fist briefly and smiles again as the earth covers his hands and hardens into stone, executing vicious roundhouse that sends his stone shoe hurtling into Shui Jin's defenseless position, aiming for a non-vital yet extremely painful point on his abdomen, and preparing a full combination in case the firebender manages to stay on his feet.

    Swift to recharge Grasp of the Dai Li, then an Standard action to attack, dealing non-lethal damage. If the attack knocks Jin out, then he uses Move a Rock to take all of the earth immediately necessary to move the dome of ice out of the way, and to the space between two boulders, centered at the northwest corner of R13. If Jin is conscious, then there's a full attack coming. Jin is still denied Dex to AC, so it's a sneak attack.

    Earth King Attack #1 - (1d20+17)[30]
    Damage 1 - (6d6)[26]

    Earth King Attack #2 - (1d20+17)[35]
    Earth King Attack #3 - (1d20+12)[20]
    Earth King Attack #4 - (1d20+7)[19]

    Damage 2 - (3d6)[8] + Sneak Attack - (3d6)[7]

    EDIT: Jin is officially unconscious at this point, at -9 HP, if we include non-lethal.

    Damage 3 - (3d6)[12] + Sneak Attack - (3d6)[8]
    Damage 4 - (3d6)[11] + Sneak Attack - (3d6)[8]

    If Jin goes down, all other attacks are directed at Lo Feng.

    Lemme get the other two Dai Li's actions up. Surrender is an option, by the way.
    Last edited by Eighth_Seraph; 2008-08-02 at 09:22 PM.
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