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Thread: A God Game

  1. - Top - End - #144
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Don the Bastard's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Tamworth Australia

    Default Re: A God Game

    Do not presume to implant thoughts into the mind of the goddess of thought Simmith, I see through your deception and delight in its innovation and creativity. Cog pulls a simple work stool out of her lab coat and sits in a corner, she seems to be working with a screw driver and small metal device. A few twists and turns. "Well then if our creations are to be mortal they must have something to count their years by" she holds out a silvery glass item "I have just created time" she turns to Hammon, "I think that together we should create a time keeper, Chronos, to watch that mortals and gods alike do not bend it's rules"
    Last edited by Don the Bastard; 2008-08-09 at 10:12 AM.