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Thread: Star Wars the Executor?

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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Re: Star Wars the Executor?

    Both editions of Starships of the Galaxy have the Executor's stats for their respective systems.

    Heh, frankly, I dont even know why you'd want one. The Executor was showoffy power with no real purpose. It's stated purpose was to provide heavy support for a battlefleet, so unless you have a flotilla at your disposal just lying around, it's a waste of parts and manpower.

    It did the job a half dozen Star Destroyers could do with more wasted manpower, less coverage and exponentially higher cost.

    If I were you? I'd put it in orbit around some backwater planet, salvage it for parts and strip it bare bones for use as a space station.

    eh, but that's just the fleet junkie in me.
    Last edited by evil; 2008-08-17 at 07:01 PM.