Opening his eyes, Kevin looked at his digital clock a half-second before it started beeping. This was a semi-often occurrence although he had done his fair share of sleeping in on school days. Rising to his feat, he walked across the room and literally kicked the alarm off, (as it lived on the floor,) before grabbing a shirt off the top of a pile of clothes near his bed and throwing it on. Grabbing the rest of his things he walked down the stairs and quietly went on with his morning routine.

He threw his backpack into the van and jumped in before going through the precarious method of starting the old thing. It was an ’87 Plymouth Voyager that hardly started anymore, had a gas leak, and was missing a windshield wiper, (let alone the pealing paint, rusting hood, and faded wood trim,) but it got him from here to there… and it had only cost him $250.

Another boring day of high school passed Kevin by just as slowly as countless others had before it. The school was abuzz with rumors of an odd bank robbery which Kevin paid attention to, agreeing that it was out of the ordinary though he had not even considered that CPD was involved until his friend Brendan suggested it. Kevin merely shrugged the idea off, but mentally noted it as a possibility.

The rest of the day went without hassle though mind-numbingly slow but eventually ended. Kevin went to his locker and entered the combination while trying to remember his homework for the day. Opening his locker, he watched a white note that had been folded up and apparently slipped through the top slot of his locker, fall to the ground. Picking it up, he looked around warily before opening it. It was a professional looking flyer that announced a CPD support meeting.

It wasn’t really a secret in the school that Kevin had problems, it is hard to hide the fact that you do when you begin rolling around in the middle of the cafeteria during lunch, screaming about a fire that no one else sees. Though that wasn’t the only CPD episode that Kevin had had in the school, it was the biggest and most rumored. Teachers watched him with a close eye and students talked a lot around him in whispers through cupped hands but he had learned to ignore it to the best of his ability.

Kevin sighed, wondering in his head if the flyer was a sick joke or could he actually get help. Hoping for help he tucked it into his pocket before heading home. After getting home he called his mom and casually asked her if he could go over to a friend’s house for a while. After repeated assurance (lying) that he had no homework he hung up the phone before running upstairs to grab a better looking shirt to throw over the on he was wearing. Making sure to lock his door, he got back in his van and figured out the directions on the flyer before driving to the meeting. Kevin just hoped he wasn’t making a mistake as he sped off down the road.