
Slimy doom Removal

Pairups: Lacerations

Above 0 HP: -15 Vitals
Bellow 0 Hp: -25 Vitals

Step One: First Incision (Standard action)
Step Two: Drain the Stomach of Slime, Dc 18 (Two Full round actions)
Step Three: Clamp first incision Dc 12 (Full round action)
Step Four: Thread the first incision Dc 14 (Two full round)
Step Five: Bandage the threaded incision Dc 10 (Full round action)

Step One Fail: -5 Vitals
Step Two Fail: -15 Vitals
Step Three Fail: -8 Vitals
Step Four Fail: -6 Vitals
Step Five Fail: None

Road to recover: 2 weeks, Nasueated, -2 dex and con
If left untreated: Slimy Doom effect

Possible Infections or Complications:Parasite, Return of Slimy doom

Special: Roll 1d20, 10 and up the treatment was ineffective and the doom returns 1d6 days later