Organ legging (in responce to questions) is the killing of another creature and using their body parts. Specifically "The Jigsaw Man" gives a nice and creepy description.

Of course, with magic you can expand it to more than life extension. Kill someone and take their limbs for extra strength. Kill a bunch of people and have a collection of eyes that you can switch around. And for the classic cases of "that body with that face"... well, there is a reason it is called evil. Not surprisingly, polymorph spells make this entirely redundant.

It partially depends on the magic level of the world I guess. With just a little magic, but not alot, these things could happen, but after enough magic there are much easier methods. Needless to say, such actions are obviously vile and extremely evil, which is why they'd fit in the book of vile darkness.

As for why I hate vows (including the vow of nonviolence), imagine that the vow was to eat no spicy food. Why the heck should it give you a bonus? The fact is that the reason sex is choosen is because it is taboo in our society. However, being taboo has nothing to do with morality. The vow of poverty makes slightly more sense- after all, you are giving the money away, but being dirt poor is not a good thing. There should NOT be bonuses for eschewing possessions- after all, that defeats the entire point.

As for nonviolence... this is D&D. Obviously, not killing everything is a reasonable and good approach, but not killing anything is bizarre. We are talking about a world where creatures that are literal sociopaths are common.

Obviously, I think talking a creature into becoming good is ridiculous most of the time.

As for highlander... why is it that ANYTHING that has Scots or Brits added to it automatically becomes 100% more awesome? I mean we had that appear in the Dominic Deegan thread, in the "hysteria" thread on destroyer (technically steam punk)...