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Thread: Gods of a New Star [IC]

  1. - Top - End - #28
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Re: Gods of a New Star [IC]

    As the last gasp of breath escaped from his lungs, he did not feel fear, or pain, or anger. No... it felt like... home. But such thoughts began to fade, his body giving up the struggle to life.

    His mind began to cloud, and a final thought drifted into his mind from places unknown.

    Liagyi-Nelek... It is a good name...

    The water around him seemed to shudder with approval, and all went dark.

    Then... a creature.

    Then nothing.

    Liagyi-Nelek opened his eyes slowly, and looked around at the other beings gathered. It had been but a moment and newborn gods were already but petulant children.

    "Such ambitions." he said, his voice reverberating through the emptiness, as he swayed slowly, the seaweed wrapping his body rising and falling as though moved by unseen waves.

    "Yet to see your demesne and already seeking to abandon the duties entrusted to you."

    He turned towards the distant world, his heart already tugging at him to descend.

    "There will be time for such things... there is always time."
    Last edited by pingcode20; 2008-09-13 at 08:04 PM.