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Thread: Gods of a New Star [IC]

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Re: Gods of a New Star [IC]


    The stone goddess felt the changes in the earth and percieved that it was time to guide her people. She had set her artifact, the Orb of Inhibition deep in the earth. If her people were to grow, it would be without the help of magic. She had grand plans for them.

    Her people had the old insectoid features of the Ensi. However, she poured her desires into them. They became covered in a bright red chiton, slender, and slightly taller than an average human. It was as if the features of a normal Ensi were molded and shaped to fit life in the unforgiving desert. They would be called desert Ensi, though they looked quite different. Magic would be nigh impossible for them to understand, but that separation from the arcane arts would make them all the more resistant to their uses.(major creation) She gave them the name of Myrmici.

    The Myrmici are more antlike than humanlike. They walk on two legs and still have free will. They are just that, a poeple designed for the desert. (with magic resistance)

    She taught them how to listen to the earth, how to find the animals that hid beneath the sand. She showed them how to tap into the secrets of the desert and the water filled catacoms underneath. Finally, she taught them how to shape the sand into a beautiful clear fluid that would harden into glass that could be made into tools or to catch the condensation that could be gathered at night time when water did not escape into the dry air.

    She would wait, quietly listening to the stones while her people became strong. She heard many peoples working and living, creating a melodious cacophony.
    Last edited by Smiley_; 2008-09-15 at 10:11 AM.