
She let her people manage their own affairs for the most part. She was pleased with them. When she checked their progress, they had departed even further from the flow of the arcane.

Even the weakest of the Myrmici became strong and cunning. Their wit had been sharpened with the lack of the magical arts. They crafted beautiful art and powerful tools.

Their rituals were most interesting. The dead of higher standing buried to return to the earth, but for the most part, those who died were eaten and their bones, flesh and hard chiton were shaped into tools for hunting and even instruments of music. There were no clerics. Each of the Myrmici knew that they owed their well being to the earth and they paid homage to it.

Soon, it would be time for some of her children to leave the desert to explore new lands, sharing their art. The stone goddess noticed the other gods preparing for an attack it seemed by securing the borders with great acts of creation. No, it was not her place to do that. She would let her children decide if they were to live freely or to seclude themselves from the world.

She decided to seek an audience with the Twin Goddess Polaris She had nurtured her people well. Ikassi burrowed under the earth and made her way to the realm of the Twin Goddess.