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Thread: Gods of a New Star [IC]

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Gods of a New Star [IC]


    Alrinach walked the length of his audience chamber, seating himself on the great white, hewn chair at the end of the hall. Focusing his energy, he invoked an orb into being, and set it high in the air above the chasm that reached down the middle of The Marble Reaches. Suiting it to its purpose with a final flicker of divine energy, it began to glow a steely blue, and the faint sound of hymns filled the still air. No sooner had the soft song begun than ghostly figures began to float from the various archways and were directed by the clockwork servants of Order into various courtrooms and hearing chambers. Just as rapidly, they emerged adain, and formed an eerie waterfall of souls to the lower leves and the upper leves of the reaches as they began their afterlife. Every so often, a soul would emerge from it's trail and vanish peacefully, returned to the realm of its own god.

    Alrinach looked upon this, and was pleased. He opened his mouth and spoke, his words reaching across the vast abysses of space and dimensions, addressing all the Gods.

    "I have been set above all those souls who die in violence, or those who promise themselves to another great power upon their deaths. Although you will find that the most faithful of your followers will be remitted unto your care, I shall be the Keeper of the rest of the flock. Should you desire to forge additional agreements, I would be honored by your presence in my realm."

    Feeling a gulf in the flow of souls, Arinach redoubled his energies into the sphere and sent a command racing through the air to his servants. He could feel... something... in the lands of Gargax.

    In a shadowy village far away, a gleaming humaniod made of gold clockwork and garbed in an impeccable white robe appeared from the air and looked down impassivly at the dagger plunged into the ground at its feet. With the quiet hum of gears it spoke to the darkness.

    "I, Aequitum, prelate of the Lord Alrinach, Judge of Souls and Arbiter of Fate, do formally seek and audience with the Lord Skeleton, Gargax the Ancient."

    My final major act to create an inexorable beacon for the souls of the fallen.
    Last edited by Virgo; 2008-09-15 at 01:50 PM.