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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Dec 2007
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central III - All potential wolves please read

    Fourth time I'm posting this game, well hopefully it gets better with every post.

    Anyway, I have made the following changes:

    • Added the bet system as well as a number of items.
    • Removed the skull snatcher and replaced it with the Okiba-Gang Shinobi that is basically a thief role with the ninjutsu mechanic.

    Kyou II: Tale of the Ninja

    This is not a paranoia game.


    There will be three different "teams" in this game, The Ninjas (werewolves), The Samurai (team villager) and the Hunters.
    Both the Ninja and the Samurai's will have a leader (or leaders) that will select the members of his team before the game begins.

    Ninja (Werewolf's)
    The ninja team will win once their team is equal or outnumbering the remaining villagers. Members in the hunter team counts as villagers in this.
    All the Ninjas begin the game knowing each other and can every night kill one player.

    Walker of the Secret Ways: Every night the ninja can select one player, if that player is lynched the following day the Walker of the Secret Ways can scry a player during the next night phase. Scries as Ninja (werewolf).

    Okiba-Gang Shinobi: Every night the ninja can select one player, if that player is lynched the following day the Okiba-Gang Shinobi can steal all the fuhonsen and items from a non-baned player the next night phase. Scries as Ninja (werewolf).

    Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni: As one of the leaders of the ninja Ink-Eyes will select all the player for the ninja team with the help of Higure at the beginning of the game.
    In addition Ink-Eyes can every night select a player. If that player is lynched the following day Ink-Eyes will be able to attempt to recruit one villager.
    If Ink-Eyes successfully recruits a player she can't use her ability during the next night phase. Players recruited by this ability do not gain any special abilities. Scries as Ink-Eyes (alpha).

    Higure, The Still Wind: As one of the leaders of the ninja Higure will select all the players in the ninja team with the help of Ink-Eyes at the beginning of the game.
    In addition Higure can every night select a player. If that player is lynched the following day Higure can "kidnap" one player from the game for two days (two day phases and two night phases).
    During this time the player cannot be killed in any way but can't use any actions or vote.
    Posting in the game thread or PM other players is strictly forbidden for a "kidnapped" player. If Higure would successfully kidnap a player he can't use this ability until the kidnapped player can post and use night actions again. Scries as Higure (alpha).

    Other Ninja Roles:

    Converted: Villagers that have been recruited by Ink-Eyes. They might be possessed by a Kami and can have special abilities. The Converted are on the ninja side and counts as a ninja. Scries as Ninja (werewolf)

    Takashi (marker): Takashi starts the game not knowing anyone’s role but share victory condition with the ninja team and also counts as an ninja.
    In addition Takashi can mark a player with the mark of the hunter every even night (night 2, night 4, night 6...). Players with the mark of the hunter can be killed by Kuori. If Daki, the other marker should be killed Takashi can mark a player every night. Scries as Marker.

    Samurai's (Team Villager)
    They Samurais win once all the ninjas are dead or defeated.
    All Samurai's begins the game knowing each other.

    Kentaro, the Smiling Cat: As the leader of the Samurai's Kentaro will select all of them at the beginning of the game.
    In addition every night Kentaro can select one player. If that player would be the target of an night kill that night Kentaro can redirect all the votes a target player would get during the next day phase to another selected player. Scries as Kentaro (mason leader).

    Samurai of the Pale Curtain: Every night the Samurai of the Pale Curtain can select one player.
    If that player would be the target of a night kill during that night you will be able to scry a person the following night. Scries as Samurai (mason).

    Indebted Samurai: Every night the Indebted Samurai can select one player.
    If that player would be the target of an night kill this night you can protect a player from night kills the following night. Scries as Samurai (mason).

    Other Samurai roles

    Villager: Don't know anyone or have any special power but can be possessed by certain kami if they act in special ways. Scries as Villager.

    Daki (marker): Starts the game not knowing anyone but share victory condition with the Samurais. In addition Daki can every odd night (night 1, night 3, night 5...) mark a player with the mark of the hunter. Marked players can be killed by Kuori. If Takashi, the other marker should be killed Daki can mark a player every night. Scries as Marker.

    The Hunters (Kuori & Co)
    The hunters win a normal victory if both markers and everyone that have been marked by the mark of the hunter are dead at the end of the game.

    They will win a Ultimate Victory if the victory conditions of the normal victory conditions have been fulfilled and if atleast one of their team members are still alive at the end of the game.

    Cultist: A cultist completely devoted to Kuori's hunt even if it means they could be possible targets for it. If Kuori would die in any way one randomly selected Cultist will be possessed by him, gain all his abilities and scries as him. If a Cultist would be marked he can be killed like everyone else with the mark but Kuori would not need to kill him to complete his victory condition. Scries as Cultist.

    Kuori, The Hunter: Back once again after his last hunt on Kyou. This time he have brought along his entire cult of fanatics ready to serve him.
    Every night Kuori can select a player, if that player is marked or is a marker he/she dies, otherwise nothing happens. Scries as Kuori (Hunter).

    As the last game there will be a lot of Kami that can possess villagers and grant them special powers.

    This time the abilities might be a bit more powerful then the last game. Special achievements will in many cases reward a villager with a kami.

    But beware, all the Kami are not on the villagers side and may cause harm instead.

    Please note that villagers possessed by a kami will still scry as a villager unless they have been recruited by Ink-Eyes.

    Items and Betting
    At night time a mysterious shop appears on a otherwise unoccpied street in Kyou. Within this shop are artefacts that otherwise would be impossible to get your hands on.

    Within the shop is also its strange owner Ben-Ben, an Akki hermite that seems to possess mysterious powers (how else can he make ninja pay for these items?)

    Every player will start with 100 Fuhonsen and it can't be transferred to other players. Items on the other hand can be transferred every night.

    A player can have any number of items in their possession but remeber that items can only be used during the night when the kami's presence are strongest.

    Jade Idol| Jade Idols are sacred guardians of the temple and wards away all evil that would be foolish enough to try entering it. A player with a Jade Idol in his possession must use it the same night he bought it since it wants to return to the temple it was made to protect. The Jade Idol will protect you from night kills for one night and then return to its temple.|200 Fuhonsen|**

    Slumbering Tora|Tora’s are wild tiger spirits that sleeps in a statue-like state until they are awoken by their owners. A player with a Slumbering Tora in their possession can awaken it if they would be attacked. The Tora will then protect their owner from that attack but then quickly abandon their master because of their wild nature.|400 Fuhonsen|3

    Ebony Owl Netsuke|Netsukes are miniature sculptures that are used as containers. This one actually contains a kami spirit that will reveal the true identity of a person if you release it.|350 Fuhonsen|5

    Long Forgotten Gohei|Deep within the shop rests a Gohei. Gohei’s are an important tools to communicate with the kami and are often used by priests. This one contains a kami spirit that will possess its owner once he/she breaks the Gohei. Only villagers and converted can use this powerful item.|400 Fuhonsen|1

    Imi Statue|Imi means “abstention from defilement”. An Imi statue can hide all supernatural elements about a person so they may look like a perfectly normal villager even if someone is scrying them.|250 Fuhonsen|2

    Idol of the hunter|These dark idols are often used by the worshippers of the hunter Kuori to mark his targets. They also have the power to remove a mark from a person but that side of it is rarely used. Once used this item will lose all its powers.|325 Fuhonsen|3

    Ashes of the Fallen|A container of the ash of all the dead players in the game. Directly after you buy this item you must select a dead samurai or ninja. If you do you will be able by using their ashes to use that persons night action without having to select a player that is going to be lynched or night killed first. After that you must sacrifice the ashes of the fallen to complete this ritual. A non-ninja can't use Ink-Eyes night action with this item. Note that Kuori's night action can't be used by this item unless all the mebers in team hunter are dead.|400 Fuhonsen|3

    Ivory Crane Netsuke|Netsukes are miniature sculptures that are used as containers. This one contains a kami that if you release it helps you by discourage people to vote for you and reduces the total vote count against you by 1 the during the following day. You can only use two of these items every night.|75 Fuhonsen|**

    Reito Lantern|This Lantern are from the town of Reito that was destroyed during the Kami War. The defenders used its light to see the attacking kami and it still holds the same ability. Every night you can use this item to see if a player is a kami or not.|150 Fuhonsen|2

    Wine of Blood and Iron|This red potion is filled with a strange liquid. Whatever it contains it certainly gives you a charmatic bonus and thus increases your point value by 1 and afterwards its gone. You can only use two of these items every night.|75 Fuhonsen|**[/table]

    Betting System
    Ben-Ben enjoys games, especially games that ends up with someone dead. Every night all the player in the game may bet certain amounts of fuhonsen (the valute in this world) that a player will be lynched the following day.

    When a player is lynched everyone that bet on it will recive 200 % of their bet back.

    If more then one person placed a bet on that person the amount revived back will be reduced by 25 % for every winning player beyond the first one.

    At top the amount of fuhonsen given back on a win can be reduced to 100 %. All bets on a not lynched player will of course be lost.

    What Ben-Ben uses all this money for is anyones guess...

    I would like to have some feedback on the items aswell as the game as whole.
    Last edited by Shadowcaller; 2008-09-30 at 04:43 PM.