Quote Originally Posted by Zeful View Post
Well darn, I always thought it did.

As for the Eldritch knight, no the ettera doesn't give spells known (to my knowledge).
Arcane Strike is precisely why archers need Abjurant Champion - it has an ability that does work with ranged weapons (albeit costs a Swift Action to use). Also, Arcane Archery isn't such a bad idea thanks to Flame Arrow giving a free Flaming for you, and a bunch of spells still boosting your attacks (and Bites and all that). Not to mention, nothing's quite as fun as shooting people with Anti-Magic Fields (for added fun, make it a Ranged Pin and nail that puny Wizard to a tree with Anti-Magic Field on him - might as well toss a Dispel along too) and Maws of Chaos. Also, Enervating someone from 1000' away (with Smiting Spell) is just gold.