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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Oct 2008

    Default Re: Erfworld 127 The Battle for Gobwin Knob, Page 115

    Stanley won't be discomfited when he finds that he isn't a barbarian in the next turn; at worst, it would likely mean that he has access to whatever funds he was forced to leave behind in GK.

    Even if Stanley can't make it to a Faq city in this turn, he still has Jack to cast veils. And don't forget that Caesar wasn't happy to learn of Jack's existence; Vinnie allayed his worries (partially) by pointing out that there was a bottleneck hex so that the combined senses of all the warlords could focus on it. Now the alliance forces will have to do a hex-by-hex search as they try to follow Stanley. They also lost bats and possibly several warlords to boot.

    I think it likelier that Stanley, Jack, and whatever other units made it out alive are still heading to Faq. (And to those who think Jack either fooled or convinced Stanley into returning to GK, don't forget that it was Jack who pointed out to Parson that Stanley's presence, even with his dragons untouched, could be a liability to Parson.)

    I love this! Also, I want to see Faq rebuild itself by magic when Stanley's next turn arrives, assuming he makes it there. (Of course, it'll be a while yet...)
    Last edited by DevilDan; 2008-10-15 at 04:15 PM.