Quote Originally Posted by Calinero View Post
Heh. Very nice.

Another question I had, for my larger, more long term campaign that I might eventually link this one into. I want a BBEG who is essentially fed up with a universe that doesn't care about us, and wants to ascend to godhood and establish himself as a relatively benevolent God of the universe. Unfortunately, this would involve various dark magics and considerable loss of human life. My plan is actually for one of the PC's to be the BBEG. As they go on various quests to prevent cultists/monsters from hurting people, he will go along too. Sure, he'll help them save people--but he's also gathering the components he needs for his ritual.

Sound interesting?
Well. For CoC? It is important to remember that of the horribly alien gods that rule the universe only one has what we could really consider a personality. And Narly is pretty much a world class A-hole and acts as their 'face'.

Generally the issue is that the more power you get the crazier and more detached from reality you go. The other issue is that if you use the Mythos to gain power you are trapped between investigators who want to kill you, and powers that want to kill you that you keep meddling with. Loyalty is a human concept, and worshiping mad alien gods has a high turnover rate. It depends on how you want to run it and how close to the rules you go. You could probably plot armor the guy you want to be the BBEG, but that can create..difficulties.