Kyle of the clan McCoy, elected leader of all the clans of the Snowbird tribe, made his way between the parked cars, trying to find out what was blocking the way.
"Another interruption. We can't keep stopping every hour. We have places to be." He muttered to himself as his people quickly made way for him and the twelve other clan leaders following in his footsteps.
And then, he could see it. Hundreds of ice cream trucks had blocked the road, and the drivers standing outside trying desperately to sell their wares, to no avail. The Snowbird vanguard that had been driving in front just looked at the vendors with slightly confused looks on their faces.
"Oh, for... What is this? Ice cream?! We are travelling to get away from the cold!"
"May I make a suggestion, chief?" The speaker was Johnny of the Harper clan, one of the thirteen clan leaders. "We are running low on gas. If we send some of our trucks around the ice-cream trucks and encircle them, we could... liberate their gasoline. As well as any other valuables they might have."
"As long as no one takes any effing ice cream." Kyle said. "It is a sound plan. What do you others say?"
After some debate the clan leaders came to an agreement, and off-road worthy vehicles were dispatched to perform the encirclement. For distraction some of the younger tribesmen were sent to perform the noble sacrifice of pretending to want ice cream.
"Now, hand me my moose hunting rifle." The weapon was presented to the tribal leader, who loaded it. "OK ice cream vendors." Kyle cocked the rifle, which made a very dramatic and threatening sound. "It's on!"