Kyle sighs and raises his hand, telling his tribesmen to hold off on the assault.
"And what do you want? Why would someone in your position be running around playing ice cream truck?"
"Let's bash this idiot, ey." Johnny of the Harper clan says, pulling out an enormous hunting knife.
"Stand down!" Kyle turns once again to the new-found foe. "My enthusiastic friend here has a point, you know. What are you planning to do? You are protecting a large group of unarmed ice cream vendors, and going up against literally a whole army. Now you may have been hardcore once, but that was years ago. I doubt you are still as fit as you were back then, and even if you still are we are no softies either. Back at home I wrestle grizzly bears with my bare hands. There are few of my tribe who hasn't done the same at one time or the other, except maybe for the Acadien clan."
"Oui, it's true. We do not do 'ze bear wrestling."
"Shut up Pierre. Anyway, if you fight us, you will not walk away from here. I have another proposal for you. We seek milder climates, and you rule a land of sandy beaches and movie stars. Join forces with us! We could stand together. Your lands are currently exposed to attack. Your people have gone weak. But with us, you stand a chance. Think about it."
Kyle lights a cigarette and adjusts his ceremonial flannel shirt, before continuing: "Should you decline however..." He makes a suggestive gesture with his moose rifle.