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Thread: Tarrasque killing challenge!

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Re: Tarrasque killing challenge!

    Quote Originally Posted by Eldariel View Post
    So yea, I buy a Lawful Evil Candle of Invocation for 8400gp, wish for an Efreet, which is forced to obey me for the Gate's CL, or 17 rounds. I spend 3 of those rounds making it grant me wishes, one of which is used to make another Candle of Invocation and the other two Wishes either for more Candles, spell effects or whatever else. Eventually one could summon an army of Solars, or whatever and kill it.

    Alternatively, find one Allip and command it. It's incorporeal, so the Tarrasque cannot touch it, and peculiarly it's not immune to Wisdom drain. Also, it has a crappy Touch AC, so an allip will dispatch it in minutes. This means, a level 3 Wizard could deal with the Tarrasque (3 days is plenty, and a Gray Elf Wizard can make it a DC 18 or so, with many tries so the Command is going to work, and 3 days is plenty - 1d4 points of Wisdom damage is negligible). This relies on an Allip existing in this world though. Otherwise it will take far more resources to generate the Allip, thus pushing it more expensive than Candle of Invocation-kill. Else this is favourable as it's only 3000XP and nothing else.
    Tarrasque is immune to ability damage. Allip does nothing to Tarrasque.
    Damn you ability drain!
    I'm only going to say this 1 more time.

    Please avoid clear and obvious cheese. It's not helpful to the discussion because the answer has already been hashed out in many other threads: Either I sic Pun-Pun on you, or you wish for more wishes until the universe explodes. Neither is interesting or helpful.

    And please stupendous man, FTLOG please at least /spoiler the copy/paste of the other tarrasque thread, which isn't even particularly relevant here.
    Last edited by Breaw; 2008-10-21 at 05:27 PM.