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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Dec 2006

    Default Re: Charity Rejects D&D Money - Let's Write Letters!

    My 2 coppers, sent already via email

    Greetings ladies and gentleman of the Christian Children's Fund,

    I recently read an article regarding the fact that you declined a rather substantial donation from GenCon because they raised some of the funds by sales of products from the Wizard's of the Cost line 'Dungeons & Dragons'. I could go into a tirade about the abject foolishness of this sort of blind hate fueled thinking, but rather than do that. I feel I should point out a few observations to you about D&D players, Christianity, and hypocrisy.

    - I am aware of the 'scare articles' that were put out in the 1970s and 1980s regarding D&D. Not one of them has one fact about the game, it's players, or the culture around it correct. But I doubt fact checking is in your agenda, as it usually gets in the way of the sort of blind hatred you like to show towards those you want to hate. Everyone needs an arch nemesis I suppose, and D&D players (who are much less likely to worship devils or demons than they are to worship comic books and junk food) will fit your requirements.

    - As far as I have been taught, I understood it that Christians were supposed to be kind, understanding, and nonjudgmental, (I.E. What Would Jesus Do; Judge not lest ye be judged; Let he who is without sin cast the first stone; etc.) Don't you think, when you say you worship the Son of God, a being who had nothing but love in his heart for all men, that you give a mixed message by declining money from D&D players to feed hungry children because you dislike what they are and what they do?

    - Money itself is an object that simply exists. It passes often through multiple hands. At some point, those hands might just happen to be drug lords, murderers, rapists, thieves, and many other sorts of miscreants. So if you have issue with where the money came from, aren't all donations potentially tainted? Claiming ignorance of where the money came from does not change the fact that it has more than likely at some point been used for/by evil people. So I submit to you that any donation you receive is tainted and you are in fact hypocrites for taking it. Since intent doesn't matter in your eyes obviously, I would assume you will from this point on only be accepting money from the US Mint yes? But then again, The US has been involved in wars (where people have been kill [remember: Thou shalt not kill?] so their money is tainted too by your logic. Perhaps you should not accept any donations at all, there's a chance it may be evil money after all.

    Warmest regards,

    Last edited by Pentegarn; 2008-10-31 at 08:41 AM.
    Corn is no place for a mighty warrior!