Quote Originally Posted by Anteros View Post
You know, it's really this companies decision if they want to take your money or not. What exactly do you hope your letters will accomplish?
I would like to think they would actually listen and maybe 1) give an apology and/or 2) not pass money up for ridiculous reasons next time. How much chance is there of that? Not much. But it doesn't take me much time to write an email that will also be cathartic to me, so I don't really consider it time wasted.

"We won't be sending you money in the future because you won't accept our money!" Does that really sound rational?
When put that way, no it doesn't. However, that isn't the only thing being said, nor are some people saying it at all. For example, I'm complaining because it was done unfairly and reflects poorly on them and insults us.

This company clearly stated they don't take money from organizations they are not involved in. Probably because they don't want to take the time to research every single organization that wants to be able to say it donated.
This doesn't necessarily reflect anything about their attitude to gamers at all. I understand many of you feel they should accept money from any source they can get it from, but at the end of the day it is their company, not yours. They do not exist to make a profit, and to be perfectly honest, they don't care very much about your opinion.
It's already been stated in this thread that they DO take money from organizations they aren't involved in, so obviously there is something else at work here.

Also, I'm not sure how this entire thread hasn't been scrubbed. I understand it's an issue that's close to the heart of the moderators, but it's an incredible double standard. I can't count the number of times someone has said something like
*examples snipped to conserve space*
These are only a tiny fraction of the posts that are clearly against the rules here. I thought rules were meant to be universal. Not simply enforced or ignored based on personal convenience? I am completely disgusted with the moderators of this forum. I do not even share the beliefs of this organization (obviously, or I would not be on this forum.) but I do believe they have just as much a right to them as you do to yours.
For one thing, this is the Giant's forum. He made the rules. He is the only reason the rules are here, and are, indeed, enforced- it has nothing to do with some kind of overarching greater, infallible rule set, it is his preference and we abide by it because he wants the people in this forum to.

As such, if the Giant wants to peel back the rule for a little bit for whatever reason, it is completely within his rights.

For another, it's not like it is being ignored:
Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
The Voice of Mod: Also, let's be careful not to bring their religion into this. There are plenty of secular reasons why this is a stupid thoughtless blunder on their part without calling their religion into question.

Plus, no threats of violence. Consider the thread warned.
That aside, next:

And for all you self righteous people claiming "how dare they pass up my money to help the children!?" You donated a few dollars to help some starving children. These people have donated their entire lives. And have done more for these children than every single person on this forum or at Gencon will likely do for them in their entire lives combined. Maybe you should think about that the next time you feel self righteous for dropping 5 dollars in a bucket.
Ah yes. Because spending more time attempting to do something good shields you from all the times you do something wrong.
Oh, wait, no it doesn't.
Maybe we could do more. But that doesn't excuse them for turning down an easy opportunity to help us do that.