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    Barbarian in the Playground
    llamamushroom's Avatar

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    May 2008
    Canberra, Australia

    Default Re: First time DMing and already killed a character.

    In the beginning was the Primordial. And the Primordial was with Cat. And the Primordial was Cat. And so it came to pass that, upon looking out at the Nothing and Emptyness and Void surrounding it, Cat was filled with a great Emptyness, and so strove to fill the Emptyness with it's Unknowable Feline. From Cat's Unknowable Feline, nine aspects were forged, one from each part of Cat's Unknowable ethics. From each aspect there arose a great yowel, and from the yowel all things that were, are, and shall ever come to be were made.

    From the Litter, there were two in Opposition, and they were called Snuggles, for it was Great and Unknowable in it's devouring rage, and Good Cat, for it was Great and Unknowable in it's compassionate mercy. Seven more sprang forth from Cat's Unknowable Feline, and they were called Cuddles, Leoparddles, Lionddles, Wuggles,Couggles, Siberian Tigger and Pantheggles, for they were Great and Unknowable in their varied powers.

    And so it came to pass that the first of Men, those insignificant and knowable simians, to Understand the Unknowable Cat came to Understand Snuggles...

    My First Book Of Cats, Chapter 1
    Last edited by llamamushroom; 2008-11-02 at 03:10 AM.
    Today’s lesson is brought to you by the number e and the letter 7
    A not unblack dog chased a not unsmall rabbit across a not ungreen field.
    - George Orwell, Language and Politics

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