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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Nov 2005

    Default Re: Erfworld 128 The Battle for Gobwin Knob, Page 116

    GK doesn't seem to have a coat of arms as such, more just colors.
    Namely, red clothes with black armor. I skimmed the archives a bit and other than the warlord lineup and the main characters, I only found one case of GK units in 'uniform'. The first panel here shows (barely) a skeleton and a gobwin guarding the door. The skeleton has on a red shirt and black armor, much like Stanley's outfit on the same page. The gobwin has a short red one-shouldered tunic (like a greek exomis) with a black belt.

    The grunts seem to wear just black.

    Edit: and of course the plaid, but that seems to be reserved for ceremonial occasions.
    Last edited by fendrin; 2008-11-03 at 01:58 PM.