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    Colossus in the Playground
    Emperor Ing's Avatar

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    May 2007

    Default Re: Well That Was Unexpected. (backstory comic)

    And sadly, all good things must come to an end. The contest is now OVA!! Now the judging and the compiling must begin. Be aware, there'll be only one winner.

    Comic 150 is up. Yeah, pretty self explanatory.

    And we are enroaching on WTwU's 1-year anniversary. I'll always know when it is, because I started the comic right after the year 2008 started. 6 comics finished ahead of time.

    Questions? Comments? Critique?
    Last edited by Emperor Ing; 2008-11-09 at 06:32 PM.
    Dark Souls Remake in a Nutshell
    Don't mess with a Primarch

    Sometimes I make avatars too. Shoot me a PM if interested.