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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Erfworld 130 The Battle for Gobwin Knob, Page 117

    Quote Originally Posted by fendrin
    That's EXACTLY what it means.

    Selective engagement essentially means that the only non-flying troops that can respond to a led flying stack's attack are:
    1) the units that were attacked
    2) archers
    Actually I think the part you are refering to when quoted exactly is this, "Flying Stacks with a commander may selectivly engage non-fliers on their own turn." To me this sounds like two stacks duking it out. Your argument would esentially imply that only archers can fight the dwagons. Units don't attack back against dwagons.

    Quote Originally Posted by fendrin
    Whether or not you are able to see it, the rules have been made quite clear.I would see it as an extreme dive-charge, pulling up at the last second to avoid crashing into the ground, and ending up out of reach of the slow-reacting twolls before they realize their commander has been croaked.

    In fact, we've seen it happen (except not with a commander in the stack).
    The dive senario wouldn't make sense with the rules we know. What if Wanda survived, and was mearly heavily wounded? She wouldn't be able to fight back either with that senario.

    Secondly, when the troll and skellies were attacked the background looked like heavy forest to me. They probably couldn't even attack back. In fact they didn't, not even the twoll. This isn't a conformation of your argument no-one fought back; there was no diferance between the units attacked, and the units not attacked.
    Last edited by Lamech; 2008-11-19 at 01:09 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow
    I think Lamech will make a great Sephiroth.
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